
my journey, as a weaver, from "AH" to "KA", on the eternal path we call "Life"

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Greetings! To continue on the theme of my previous post:
 a delicate table scarf for my friend Molly, in celebration of her birthday:
And another botanical weaving, in which I used a few tapestry techniques, including soumak, which is a kind of knotting, and hatching. The colors in this piece are mostly subtle blues on a ground of brick red, with Cleveland sage branches among other botanicals.  I named it “Chaparral Blues”.  It’s a metaphor for California’s disappearing heritage landscape. It is currently on display at 2Create Gallery in Ramona. 43”x27”. $310.
Update 12/11:  I have re-titled this botanical weaving “Selah”.  The inspiration for this new and more fitting title came from an article my friend Cecile sent. Roughly translated from the Book of Psalms, it means stopping to look, looking beyond the obvious, to recognize the deep connection which exists in all of creation. I believe if we each can do this, we will see the preciousness of our environment, and rather than mourn the loss of natural places, we will act to restore and preserve its integrity and beauty.

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