
my journey, as a weaver, from "AH" to "KA", on the eternal path we call "Life"

Monday, February 25, 2019

More than three months, five blankets, one table scarf, one botanical weaving, and one tapestry/rug weaving since my last post.  Meanwhile, I’ve been pondering the essential need we all have of comfort and beauty in our life.
Weaving gives me time to ponder, about personal connections, about the comfort of family and friends, and the comfort I feel as I weave something of beauty for someone special in my life, something that will also bring comfort to them.
Beauty itself brings comfort, in a woven wall hanging, in a delicate table scarf, in a colorful tapestry.
My wish for you, and for everyone on Earth, is that you know comfort and beauty in your daily life.
Here are glimpses of some of what I’ve recently woven: more to follow in a day or two or three.....
Blankets for friends and family: