
my journey, as a weaver, from "AH" to "KA", on the eternal path we call "Life"

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Looking East


Volcan Mountain Foundation recently acquired 23 acres on the eastern side of the mountain,  overlooking the San Felipe Valley.

Joel and I headed out there earlier this month, for my final day of gathering botanical materials to weave in honor of the mountain, and the Foundation’s effort to preserve and protect — along with a number of other public and private agencies — as much land as possible on that 15-mile long range.

“Looking East” is a woven bouquet of chaparral plants that I have been familiar with for years, plus some I’ve not encountered until that day.  Bush mallow and rabbit bush, penstemon spectabilis and oh....I don’t know all your names, but I love you anyway!

I would like to close my blogs about my precious time on Volcan Mountain, courtesy of the Volcan Mountain Foundation, with a big “THANK YOU” to Board President Eric Jones and Executive Director Colleen Bradley.  Your kind and enthusiastic support in finding my way about the mountain, and readiness to answer my queries made my time working on this project that much more delightful.