
my journey, as a weaver, from "AH" to "KA", on the eternal path we call "Life"

Saturday, April 7, 2018

A Few of My Favorite Things

Greetings friends! It’s been almost five weeks since our return from India — still not quite the length of time we were away.  And even now, not a day passes without some thought or feeling or sense of being in that incredible country overtaking my awareness, and I pause to cherish the gift of remembrance.
Since we’ve been home I have once again taken up my usual pursuits: piano, weaving, flute, long walks.  Spring is upon us...the air is a sweet welcoming caress...beckoning me outside to wander among the burgeoning chaparral. New growth everywhere I look, and wildflowers sprouting among the shrubs.
I started weaving the day after we returned, and just completed “A Few of My Favorite Things” a few days ago, in time to hang it at 2Create before their monthly “First Friday” social event.
It is a celebration of being home again: Spring wildflowers, Cleveland sage, muntz sage, grasses that I gathered years ago and have been keeping for a special weaving, beads from my favorite bead shop in San Luis Obispo, yarns from Colleen’s yarn shop in Ramona.       21”x15.5”      $280