
my journey, as a weaver, from "AH" to "KA", on the eternal path we call "Life"

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Summer Triptych

Greetings at the height of summer!  Keeping a balance of activity and rest is trickiest for me when temperatures sway between the 90’s to the 100’s these days, but fortunately I find cool time in the pool and in my studio.
After I cut off my first triptych, I had just enough warp on my floor loom for another small one.  I decided to re-set my sett and doubled up the warp yarns to make the width narrower, since I knew I couldn’t weave much lengthwise.
Aiming for a simpler motif, I succumbed to the lure of the last of the sunflowers adorning the shoulders of our roadway. I picked as many of them as were still blooming, and then gathered soft feathery branches of artemisia (commonly known as California sagebrush).
How my studio was drenched in the scent of the Chaparral for that week of weaving!  It was heaven to my senses!
The three little botanical weavings that came off my loom can be hung horizontally or vertically, with or without the optional cord I attached to each one.  As of Friday they’re hanging vertically at 2Create Gallery in Ramona.  “Summer Triptych: Sunflowers and Sagebrush”.
 I forgot to measure them before I hung them, but my guess is that each one is approximately 10”w x 12”l, without the hanging cord.  $420 for the triptych; $155 if purchased individually.  
50% of the sale of all my botanical weavings is donated to the California Chaparral Institute.
Here’s the pics:

Enjoy these sizzling days of summer, staying balanced in Nature’s cycle of rest and activity.