
my journey, as a weaver, from "AH" to "KA", on the eternal path we call "Life"

Thursday, November 16, 2017

More on Sacred Waters

When someone asked me for more information about “Sacred Waters”  I realized I had neglected to write my characteristic story of the genesis of the weaving, as well as technical details, so here ‘tis:

I was inspired to weave this piece while on a hike we took last Spring at the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument in northern New Mexico. It is a celebration of the profound role that water plays in the life of planet Earth.
The change of vegetation as we hiked down into the 800-foot deep gorge and then along the coursing waters of the Rio Grande and up again to the plain reawakened in me a recongnition of the role of water in our environment, as well as the role we play in honoring and preserving places such as Rio Grande del Norte.
I used tamarisk twigs and foothill buckwheat and junko grasses, along with yarns and beads and a smattering of metallic threads to evoke the sparkling quality of the rushing waters of the great river.
27”x31”.  $490.  Please share my blog with a friend.  Thank you!
 Best wishes and many blessings to all...kcc..........have a peaceful day............kccweaves@gmail.com