
my journey, as a weaver, from "AH" to "KA", on the eternal path we call "Life"

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Greetings! It's a new year and a new weaving!  This one's called "Wildflower Whimsy".
When I was gathering materials, I also gathered the qualities of wildflowers that came to my mind: freshness, fullness, innocence, wildness, harmlessness, simplicity, artlessness, gentleness, naturalness.  This botanical weaving is an expression of all of these, with innocence and simplicity perhaps more readily evident.
The fine gauge pale yellow warp yarn, and the open tabby/plain weave structure,  present simplicity and innocence.  The mixture of colors and textures of the additional yarns, as well as the flowers themselves, evoke the range of qualities I called upon.
And as I wove from top to bottom, I cut away an inch or so of the warp, symbolic of the bit-by-bit loss of natural habitat for these adorable and yet vulnerable treasures.
Next week: "Chaparral Sunrise". Meanwhile, be well and happy in pursuit of your passion!